Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. This statement outlines Advantage One’s policy on how we manage the personal information we hold about you, our customer.

Advantage One consists of Advantage One (SA) Pty Ltd and Advantage One Financial Services Pty Ltd .

It is our policy to respect the confidentiality of information and the privacy of individuals. Advantage One is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act.

Our Privacy Policy Statement will be reviewed from time to time to take into account new laws and technology, changes to our operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing environment. Any information we hold will be governed by the most current Privacy Policy Statement.
In this document ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ refer to: Matrix Planning Solutions Limited (“Matrix”), and its representatives. Matrix can be contacted by writing to Level 12, 20 Bond Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000 or by telephone on 1300 663 334 in respect to all Financial Planning related matters and 08 8203 4800 on all other accounting and other related matters.

‘You’ and ‘Your’ refer to: the person whose information we collect and hold in order to give advice about financial products and services.

Collection of Personal Information

Your privacy is important to us. Privacy laws apply to how we collect, maintain, use and disclose your personal information.
Because of the nature of the products and services provided, government regulations and the impact of Australian or international legal or regulatory obligations and taxation laws on us, or on the providers of products and services to our clients, we ask for a range of personal information.
We collect personal information about you so we can advise you about financial products and services, credit products and services, administer our relationship with you and to provide you with information on other services we provide such as sending you educational information and materials relating to the financial planning and credit services. The personal information we collect from you will depend on the advice involved, but includes your name, address, contact details, business details, financial information, estate planning details and in the case of an application for life insurance, medical and lifestyle information.
On some occasions, we may need to obtain your personal information from a third party such as your accountant with your consent.

Organisations to Which This Policy Applies

We are permitted by the Privacy Act to disclose personal information (other than sensitive information) to the following entities:

  • Prospera Pty Ltd (ABN 86 106 749 231). Matrix Advisers may formulate financial planning strategies using the Prospera software.
  • ClearView Group, including ClearView Life Assurance Limited (ABN 12 000 021 581), ClearView Life Nominees Pty Limited (ABN 37 003 682 175) and ClearView Financial Management Limited (ABN 99 067 544 549).
  • Advantage One (SA) P/L (ABN 37055 284 494) and Advantage One Financial Services P/L (ABN 46 120 668 528).

These companies are also bound by the Privacy Act in relation to the use and disclosure of your personal information.

When Your Personal Information May Be Disclosed to Overseas Recipients

Generally, when carrying out our business activities and meeting our legal or regulatory obligations, we do not disclose your personal information to overseas recipients. An exception to this occurs when, to assist our Advisers to provide services to our clients, information is filed on customer relationship management
tools which are typically located in the United States of America. We take reasonable steps to ensure that overseas recipients have secure processes in place to protect your information against unlawful access.

Other Disclosures

We also use the personal information we collect about our clients to fulfil our legal or regulatory obligations, or to assist providers of products and services to our clients to do so.
We will only disclose personal information to third parties for the purposes of assisting you with financial planning and credit assistance advice and services (primary purpose). We will not release your information for any other purpose unless permitted by the Privacy law and with your consent. You may provide your consent in writing, or via telephone.

Personal information may be disclosed:

  • If you apply for or have life insurance: the insurer, claims investigators, medical practitioners, reinsurers, and insurance reference agencies. If sensitive information about you (including health information) is collected for the purpose of an application for life insurance, that sensitive information will only be used for that purpose or as otherwise allowed by law.
  • If you apply for or have superannuation or managed investments: external product providers into which you might direct some of your investment, other product providers to which your investment might be transferred, fund administrators and fund trustees.
  • AUSTRAC, the government agency who oversees Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism. Before we arrange products or services, we are required to validate the client’s identity. We will request and copy some personal documents for that purpose. We are also required to provide details of entities and certain transactions where we hold reasonable suspicion of reportable suspect matters.
  • Product or service providers who have an obligation to disclose information to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) where the ATO has agreements to share information with overseas tax authorities.
  • Credit reporting or information verification bodies as required by law.
  • Under the Family Law Act, we are required to provide your superannuation details as ordered by the court for the purpose of superannuation splitting between the parties.

In all circumstances where we contract with others to provide services to us, and these contractors have access to your personal information, confidentiality agreements will apply. Personal information may only be used by our contractors for our purposes.

You Need to Provide us With Accurate and Relevant Information
If you provide us with incomplete or inaccurate information, the advice we give you may be incomplete or inappropriate or we may not be able to arrange the products or services you are seeking.


You may (subject to permitted exceptions) access your information by contacting the Compliance Manager in writing: Matrix Planning Solutions Limited, PO Box Q1493, QVB, NSW, 1230. We may verify your identity when we receive such requests. Depending on the nature of the information request, we may charge you for providing this service.

More Information

Click here to read our Privacy Policy in more detail.